Actress / Dramaturge
Inês Barahona was born in Lisbon in 1977. She has a degree in Philosophy and a Master in Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art from Faculdade de Letras (Universidade de Lisboa). She founded and currently directs with Miguel Fragata the theater company Formiga Atómica, and is co-creator of the plays A Caminhada dos Elefantes, The Wall, A Visita Escocesa, Do Bosque para o Mundo, Montanha-Russa, Fake and O Estado do Mundo (Quando Acordas). She directed A Verdadeira História do Teatro (2012), for Teatro Maria Matos, and A Verdadeira História da Ciência (2013) and Direito de Autor (2014) for the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. She has worked in different artistic fields, namely in text and dramaturgy, with Madalena Victorino (Caruma e Vale), Giacomo Scalisi (Teatro das Compras), Teatro Regional da Serra de Montemuro (Sem Sentido), Catarina Requeijo (assistant director to the play Amarelo, with text from the works A Grande Corrida and Muita Tralha, Pouca Tralha) and Circolando.
Under the direction of Madalena Victorino, she worked for the educational and recreational center of Centro Cultural de Belém, where she developed, between 2005 and 2008, projects grounded on the relation between arts and education for schools, families, and specific target audiences. In 2008, she developed for Direção-Geral das Artes O Livro Escuro e Claro, with Madalena Victorino and Rita Batista. She followed the book's distribution process, training different teams and teachers. In the same year, she collaborated with Madalena Victorino in the conception of the exhibition Uma Carta Coreográfica, also for Direção-Geral das Artes. She was part of Giacomo Scalisi's team in the areas of Production and Community Relations, which worked for the inauguration of Teatro Municipal de Portimão between October and December 2008. Currently, she gives training in communication and writing workshops for adults at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and the structures Sou - Movimento e Arte, L2G, Circolando, and Artemrede.
Inês Barahona was responsible for the dramaturgy and directing the show that was part of the Young Composers programme in 2