Francisca Pinto


Lisboa, Portugal, 1988.

Francisca Pinto is a dancer, performer and (co)creator, mother and curious being, and is involved in several practices of the body, well-being and imagination. She finished her studies at Escola de Dança do Conservatório Nacional in 2006. In 2009, she graduated from Escola Superior de Dança de Lisboa. She attended the Masters in Communication and Arts at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of Nova University of Lisbon.

She has been involved in different projects as a dancer / performer. She has worked with Martine Pisani, Clara Andermatt, Sofia Dias and Vítor Roriz, Dani Lima, Tânia Carvalho, Alice Joana Gonçalves, among others. In 2015/2016, she accompanied the work and collaborated with Lia Rodrigues, namely as interpreter and assistant in Para que o Céu não caia and True Rouge (at Lia Rodrigues Companhia de Danças, a partnership which had the support of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation). During this period, she also worked as a dance teacher at Núcleo 2 project at Escola Livre de Dança da Maré, in Rio de Janeiro.

Since 2010, she has been teaching contemporary dance, classical dance, and performing arts workshops for children, youth and adults as a guest teacher in different schools and institutions. Yoga practitioner since 2010, she currently attends the CPYOGA Instructors Training Course, in Lisbon. Teaches Contemporary Dance Technique and Interpretation at Escola Superior de Dança de Lisboa. Practices Kung Fu, embroidery, forró, vegetarian cooking, drawing and other activities as a form of personal development and cultivating pleasure.

In 2014, she attended Modules 3 and 4 of PEPCC - Study Program for Choreographic Research and Creation at Fórum Dança (Lisbon), under the guidance of Patrícia Portela and Lia Rodrigues. She is currently part of the cast of the piece Lento e Largo, by Jonas Lopes and Lander Patrick, Danças Precárias, by Bruno Alexandre, and CABRAQIMERA, by Catarina Miranda.

She is the author and performer of the solo QUERER PARA VER. Works in collaboration with Francisco Thiago Cavalcanti and other members of the collective Um cavalo disse mamãe in the piece TAMBÉM SE MATAM CAVALOS.

  • Programs that the Artist participated in
  • Other artists


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André Cabral

Conference Meetings for the Future V, In Transit 2023, Dance Classes in Studio 1

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André e. Teodósio

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Young Composers 2023

André Lepecki

Andreia Alpuim

Andreina Vila

Andresa Soares

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Angela Guerreiro

Conference Meetings for the Future V

António Caldeira Pires

António Tavares

António Torres

Apneia Colectiva

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A Collection for Tomorrow ⏤ Lisbon | Maputo

Aurélia Bellet

Dance Classes in Studio 1

Aurora Pinho

João Afonso Vaz

A Collection for Tomorrow ⏤ Lisbon | Maputo, A Collection for Tomorrow ⏤ Atlantic Axis

























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