Fernando Balsera Pita has been dancing professionally for the last twelve years all over Europe and in China, Japan, and Taiwan. He is an enthusiast of resilience, well-being, and healthily balancing work and life, incorporating mindfulness deeply into teaching the Search Inside Yourself (SIY) method. Also a qualified teacher of the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program, Balsera Pita has been teaching it for three years to diverse audiences, including educational organizations (Gerhart Hauptmann Theater), artists, and software companies (Yopeso). Currently, he conciliates the activity of a certified teacher with that of a professional dancer.
In addition to his dance training, Balsera Pita holds a master's degree from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.That was when he began to take advantage of his training to share neuroscience in an accessible way. He also holds an MBA from EUDE Business School (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos). His passion is helping organizations achieve excellence - with compassion and in a playful way - and his free time is spent in nature and traveling.