Sofia Dias and Vítor Roriz are a duo of artists and choreographers, collaborating since 2006. The hybrid nature of their research, connected with their curiosity and need for experimentation, has led them to the creation of various shows, performances, audio tracks, videos, podcasts, and installations, crossing different contexts and blurring the boundaries between artistic areas. Their performances conceived for stage employ a refined choreographic language combined with text and voice. Standouts among these are the 2011 piece Um gesto que não passa de uma ameaça (Prix Jardin d’Europe) and the 2018 piece O que não acontece, which they created as a duo, Satélites (2015), Escala (2021), Ruído (2024), and the performances for children Sons ~~Mentirosos~~ Misteriosos (2020) and Uma partícula mais pequena do que um grão de pó (2023/2024).
With about 30 creation projects developed over the last 19 years, Sofia and Vítor have worked in other contexts besides the stage, as in the radio play De olhos fechados (2021), the video Contorno (2020), the performance/installation Dispositivos (2020), the sound piece Cais do gás (2014), the performative audio guide for 100 people in the woods as part of the project Shared Landscapes (2023/2024), the performance for one single person at a time À tua volta (2024), and the series of performances for unconventional spaces Arremesso, which the duo has been performing since 2011.
They have organized and participated in various residencies and artist meetings since 2012, among which stand out AWARE, as part of the Alkantara Festival, and, more recently, Laboratório do Fazer, in collaboration with ZDB Gallery.
As a duo, they have collaborated with many artists, among them Lilia Mestre, Lara Torres, Marco Martins and Clara Andermatt, Gonçalo Waddington and Carla Maciel, Mark Tompkins, Tim Etchells, Felipe Hirsch, and Boris Charmatz. They have been collaborating on a more regular basis with Tiago Rodrigues, namely: as performers in António e Cleópatra (2014) and in Sopro (2017); as movement assistants in his play Catarina e a beleza de matar fascistas (2020); and as dancers in his production of Wagner’s Tristan and Isolde (2023).
They have created performances in dialogue with the work of visual artists, such as Catarina Dias (2006), Francisco Tropa, in his Choses sans ombre (2018), Rui Chafes and Alberto Giacometti, in Por um instante (2023), and more recently Vivian Suter, in Arremesso X (2025).
In 2025, Sofia and Vítor are in residence at Estúdios Victor Córdon, as part of the At Home Program.