• Info

A lecture series in podcast format by dance artists who have something to say about what they do, curated by Carlos Manuel Oliveira, in a partnership between EVC and Parasita Association.

The Wording Dances podcast proposes a lecture series where renowned artists from the international contemporary dance scene discuss matters which make of dancing and choreographing an inexhaustible terrain of experimentation, problematization and thinking. Curated by Carlos Manuel Oliveira, it is a co-production between EVC and Parasita Association.

Alongside the singularity of each artist's work, lines of thought will be exposed in relation to politics in dance, social choreography, the relationship between dance and language, creative processes and their respective products, or even in relation to the cognition of corporealities. By posing questions such as What can choreographic thinking do?, we hope to summon up unique answers, based on what each artist is most dedicated to. In short, the word is given to those who dance and make others dance, but who also question dance and make others think.

The series is published in the following platforms:

Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Pocket Casts, Radio Public, Castbox, Soundcloud and Amazon Music.

You can also access translated episodes (PT - EN) HERE.


OPART | Estúdios Victor Córdon and Parasita Association


Carlos Manuel Oliveira


Siobhan Davies, Marcelo Evelin and Neguxa Uau, deufert&plischke, Jonathan Burrows, André Lepecki, Ana Borralho & João Galante, Bojana Cvejić, Ivana Müller


Tom Maciel

Sound design and distribution

Nuno Cruz

Translation and subtitles

Margarida Bak Gordon, Marta Amaral

Design and video

Creative Minds

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