Oct 3, 4, 10, and 11
- Info
Between fact and expectation, in this program’s 7th edition we embark on a performative conference, on the occasion of the 500th anniversary of Luís de Camões.
The previous editions of Meetings for the Future have explored various themes and formats. In this edition, keeping in mind the key idea of transmission, the necessity arises of revisiting places, events, and characters that make up our historical narratives, seeing them in the light of the present. Between fact and expectation, we embark on a performative conference on the occasion of the 500th anniversary of Luís de Camões by Joana Craveiro, featuring dancers from countries on this well-known argonaut’s route.
que bem posso escusar trazer escrito em papel o que na alma andar devia
[“I may well forgo carrying on paper what within my soul should dwell”]
created and authored by Joana Craveiro
In this performative conference, Joana Craveiro and the multidisciplinary team from Teatro do Vestido set out to confront the life and work of Luís de Camões, troubadour and argonaut, the great Portuguese poet whose work will be revisited and read anew from a 21st-century perspective. The feats he describes, the adjectives he chooses to describe the encounter (or rather, the confrontation?) of cultures, his view of empires, the politics and ideology hidden or revealed in his words, his lyric poems, and love as sung by the Poet, are the threads from which this work of creative reflection will be woven. Also drawing on the ideas of travel and diaspora, this performative conference will feature dancers from the African and the Asian continents, seeking to trace signs of these cultures in their bodies and movements, and critically deconstructing Luís de Camões’ work in its relation to these bodies in space. This performative conference brings his work into dialogue with Edward Said’s thought as articulated in his book Orientalism: Western Concepts of the Orient, as well as with the thought of John Berger, Arundhati Roy, Sanjay Seth, among others, aiming for a poetic-political approach to his imaginary and literary universe.
This program’s edition is part of the commemorations of Luís de Camões’ 500th anniversary.
Teatro do Vestido
© Ginásio Clube Português | 14-6-1955 — Performance in homage to longstanding members of 50 years. Trapeze group performing their exercise.