Wording Dances presents a series of episodes, both in English and Portuguese, where renowned artists from the international contemporary dance scene discuss matters which make of dancing and choreographing an inexhaustible terrain of experimentation, problematization and thinking.
In a co-production between Estúdios Victor Córdon and Parasita Association, the project is curated by Carlos Manuel Oliveira.
In this new episode, we invited the essayist and curator André Lepecki to read us a text of his, entitled “The dispute for movement and the non-time of struggle: a delirium in four movements”. Lepecki works and researches at the intersection between critical dance studies, curatorial practice, performance theory, contemporary dance and performance in visual arts. He is a full professor at New York University, where he coordinates the Department of Performance Studies. He has authored "Exhausting Dance: Performance and the Politics of Movement", published by Routledge in 2006, which has since been translated into 13 languages, and, by the same publishing house, "Singularities: Dance in the Age of Performance", in 2016.
The series is published in the following platforms:
Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Pocket Casts, Radio Public, Castbox Soundcloud e Amazon Music.
You can also access translated episodes (PT - EN) HERE.