Lecture ⏤ Antisemitism and the Imagination of a People-Race

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  • EVC
  • 02 February 2023 (6:00pm)

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(un) common ground holds a conference with Shlomo Sand.

The book at the source of this lecture - Como uma Raça foi Imaginada - researches the beginnings of the history of western Judeophobia, and challenges the idea that Christianity was built after and in opposition to Judaism. On the contrary, it is indeed Judaism that was formed under the pressure of Christianity, at the same time adapting to the terms of the trial that its enemies had brought against it for centuries. The same book also challenges the misleading identification of anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism at the center of some contemporary debates. To what extent has Zionism, born as a distress response to modern Judeophobia, became its mirror? To what extent has Zionism inherited the ideological foundations that have always characterized the persecutors of the Jews?


Curadoria Marlene Monteiro Freitas, João Figueira, Miguel Figueira, Vítor Silva


(un) common ground

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